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Lady Legends are 1-2
Written by Mike Lupica on 12-03-2003

Early Difficulties as Legends Switch to Tougher Division

Thanks from San Francisco
Written by Katy Foster on 12-02-2003

Legends are 2-0!
Written by Erik Shold on 12-02-2003

After a turkey-induced slow start, Legends pull out a victory at LaGuardia.

Ford Foundation Sponsors Arts Collaboration at Landmark High School
Written by Kevin Dotson on 12-01-2003

Landmark Goes National
Written by Junior Institute Biology on 11-28-2003

Junior Institute Biology teachers present at Coalition of Essential Schools Fall Forum in Columbus, OH.

I SAW Richard
Written by A Landmark Senior on 11-27-2003

Thank You Landmark!
Written by Jocelyn Stanton on 11-26-2003

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