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What's Happening
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Performance Based Assessment Institute
Written by Vivian Orlen on 09-02-2003

Dear Landmark Families
Written by Vivian Orlen on 09-02-2003

Proposed New Schedules for the Coming Year
Written by Richard Stohlman on 07-23-2003

Senior Send Off Was a Rousing Success.
Written by Richard Stohlman on 06-19-2003

Juniors put on a great show as a farewell to this year's seniors.

Teachers Win Again!
Written by M. Lupica on 06-18-2003

Only Mother Nature Will Stop The Teachers!

Sports Banquet
Written by M. Lupica on 06-15-2003

Annual Recognition of Landmark Athletes

Landmark Prom 2003
Written by A Senior on 06-13-2003

On June 5th, 2003 most of the Landmark High School Seniors met up in a beautiful place called Crystal Palace.

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Network Administrator: Erik Torres

Web Designer: Raul Santos