High School

112 Schermerhorn Street

Brooklyn, NY 11201

(718) 855-7155

Principal : Michelle Blatt

Coordinating Teacher : Latifa Zaid

Teen Talk Radio at Pacific High School is an extended day program, that deals with matters ranging from drug abuse to non-violence. It is an issue orientd hour long format radio program produced by students. Teen Talk at Pacific students bring their knowledge of world issues to radio,sheeding light on the teen perspective of world isses and events. Teen Talk meets Wednesday and Thursday where students use their reading and writing skills to develop original scripts for PSA's and Talk Show.

Every Thursday from 4-5pm you can join student interns from the Teen Talk Program on live radio. Students can take cameras to the streets to make video documentaries and public interviews. The spring 2003 group is looking forward to taping their public services announcements and tackling a very timely issue of "Sexuality in the Teen Community."


In Teen Talk we talked about life as young ladies and gentlemen and what we have learned and experienced. I enjoyed doing the Teen Talk Live radio show and other topics like peer-pressure and abuse. What I liked most about being in Teen Talk was being able to communicate with my peers and my instructor and still have fun.


Pacific High School is a pretty small school consisting of about 800 students roughly. There are many opportunities given within the school. Extra curricular activities are set abroad for the students' benefit. Most of the teachers help the class to understand the work that is given. And the relationship between teachers and students are very good, in terms of understanding.


EDP Teacher Training...Hi Latifa